Anger is one of the major destroyers of relationships. People can say and do things when they are angry that are offensive, hurtful, even downright mean. But anger is a normal part of the human emotional makeup, and it’s only natural to feel angry sometimes. How can you deal with angry feelings without harming your relationship?
Expressing anger
Note that I am not saying you should never be mad. But when you are mad, you have a choice as to how you are going to deal with it. You can scream and insult; or you can choose to tell your partner, with as much restraint as you can manage, that you are angry and what you are angry about. You can say, “I can’t believe you broke my mug again. I am so angry at you right now!” The message is the same, but the delivery is not – and you will find it works much better.
The truth is, this approach isn’t as cathartic. It doesn’t feel as good to restrain yourself and speak with control as it does to let loose and yell. But at the end of the day, it certainly feels better to have a relationship in one piece rather than in shambles on the floor.
Managing your anger
Of course, taming your temper is easier said than done. The critical point to recognize is that once you are in rage mode, there really is not much you can do about it. In order to be able to manage anger properly, you’ve got to catch it before you blow your top. That means paying attention to your signals that indicate your anger is mounting. This feels different for different people. Some people experience tension in their neck, back or hands. Some people get a headache or stomach ache. Some people start feeling hot or restless. Knowing your signals and being able to recognize them when they crop up is crucial if you would like to get a handle on your angry reactions.
When you notice that your anger is rising, find a way to take a break. Take some deep breaths, repeat a mantra in your head (e.g., “This is not worth getting angry over,” or “I can handle this,” or anything that works for you). Excuse yourself from the conversation and go for a walk. Do what you need to do to wind yourself back down. Again, this is more difficult and less immediately satisfying than just letting your anger go, but as you well know from experience, letting loose with your rage tends not to solve the problem you are trying to address.
Responding to anger
Being on the receiving end of anger is a difficult position. It is vital to remain calm when someone is angry at you, rather than getting worked up yourself. There is an important rule that both parties cannot be angry at the same time. If your partner confronts you about something he or she is angry about, that is not the time to get angry in return. You are perfectly allowed to be angry about the same situation or about anything else – but you can’t do it at that moment. Again, it just doesn’t work. Both of you will end up yelling at each other and at best nothing will get accomplished; at worst, hurtful things may be said that cannot be taken back.
Dealing with anger in a relationship can be very thorny. A competent couples counselor can help you deal with angry feelings without allowing them to overtake your communication or do damage to your relationship. If you feel you need help handling the angry feelings in your relationship contact us today to see how we can help.