Problems with Anger?
Do the people in your life tell you that you have an anger problem?
Do you tend to go from 0 to 100 in an instant?
Have you gotten into legal problems because of your anger?
Do you find yourself getting extremely angry at others on a weekly or even daily basis?
Read on. This might be for you.
Who is Anger Management for?
Many people begin looking for help with anger management only after they’ve been court-ordered to attend. Sometimes people come because their boyfriend/girlfriend or spouse has insisted they get some help with their anger, possibly even giving an ultimatum that without some kind of help they will leave the relationship.
These are absolutely valid reasons for getting help, and in fact, having a real and present motivator from the legal system or a partner or family member can help people stay committed to and engaged in the process.
Of course, it can be less stressful for those who come of their own free will, who recognize on their own that their anger is causing problems in their lives. And working on a problem before it gets out of control is always more effective.
However you’ve decided to come to an anger management program, this process can work for you.
Contact us today
Why Anger Management?
The truth is, there’s a lot to be angry about out there. The world often isn’t fair. We have all been mistreated by others at times, or mistreated by the system at times. It can be terribly frustrating.
How often do you find yourself yelling at others? Are those others sometimes, or even usually, the people you love the most? Perhaps you’ve had problems getting along with “those idiots at work,” or have even been involved in a physical fight in or outside of the home. Obviously you’d like to be able to have a job, to avoid conflict at home, and to stay out of trouble with family, the boss, or the law.
The question each of us has to ask, then, is how will we choose to respond to that treatment? Anger is a natural emotional response, but it is often not a helpful one, if it turns into angry action. Anger management is not going to make the world a better place, nor is it going to make you never feel anger again. It’s going to help you deal with anger in a way that helps you get along with others, even when things aren’t going your way.
What will we do in the Anger Management program?
We’re going to help you do things differently, so that anger doesn’t get in the way of your living the life you want to live.
We’re going to help you understand yourself better.
We’re going to help you plan for better relationships and better self-management.
We’re going to help you help yourself.
Topics covered include:
- Defining anger
- Self-monitoring
- Triggers
- Stress management
- Communication skills
- …and more.
The Under Control anger management group is an 8-week program with rollings admissions (you can jump in any time). You will need to complete all 8 classes to receive your certificate. (See the terms of service for more information.) If you have been mandated to do fewer than 8 classes, you can get a certificate of completion by doing individual sessions instead.
Contact us today!
Individual Anger Management Counseling
While a group setting can be a very helpful format for learning how to deal with anger (you’d be surprised at how many people are having the same experience as you), it may not be right for some people, whether because of other mental health factors, relationship issues, or simply the timing of the group. If you’d like to explore options for individual anger management counseling, feel free to be in touch with us.
Cost for one individual session: $120-160
6-session package: $720 (25% off)
Cost for one group session: $40
6-session package: $215 (10% off)
Groups are online, 7 PM Wednesdays.
Certificates of completion available for court and probation with either individual or group courses.
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