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Couples Counseling Success Story

Posted on October 8th, 2015 by Raffi Bilek

I recently worked with a couple that came in with a serious break in their relationship.  They were pretty despairing and didn’t know how to handle the problem.  I give them a lot of credit for the honest look they both took at themselves and the hard work they put into this.  In only two sessions, they were fully back on track to where they wanted to be.  While this is the kind of work I do all the time – not necessarily in so short a time – I thought it was worth sharing on the blog because of the truly wonderful letter they sent me a few days ago (names and details changed):

Just wanted to drop you a quick to once again thank you for all your help. I honestly felt Tim and I wouldn’t be able resolve our difficulties. But you offered us a safe space to work on becoming more honest, direct and ultimately heard and valued . . . in such a short time, you worked wonders! One or both of us may return in the future but please know we’re both indebted to you. We’re back to cherishing our time with one another and back to looking forward to a long life as husband and wife.silhouette couple
You have rightfully earned the title, “Number 1 Therapist in Baltimore“!


P.S. – Do you recall we were trying to plan a vacation and Tim wondered if we could handle it without an argument? We leave for Greece next week and haven’t had one “ugly moment” since we last left your office. 🙂

This is the kind of thing that really makes my job worth it!  Thanks, guys.

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