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My New Favorite Parenting Expert!

Posted on June 1st, 2015 by Raffi Bilek

I recently chanced across an article by Andrea Nair and was so appreciative ofandrea-nair it that I looked her up and ended up finding dozens more really helpful articles.  I agree with almost everything she says. I think her perspectives are spot-on and her techniques very solid.  Here is a super article entitled “Stop Tantrums: 33 Phrases to Use With Toddlers” (which I just reviewed for myself as I was posting this.)  A few choice excerpts:

3.     “Pajama time! How about like this?” Put your child’s bottoms on your head.
14.  Put a plate of cut vegetables at your place at the table and say, “I hope there are no vegetable stealers in the house.” Then turn your back and do something else for a few minutes, while your little one giggles, eating the veggies.
18.  “When your hands have been cleaned with soap, then I know you’re ready to eat.” This technique is called a when/ then.
31.  “I can hear you when you use your normal talking voice.”

Also, I highly recommend reading the Toddler Marathon Training Regime to put a smile on your face after a long day of parenting.  Actually, I really recommend anything she writes. There is an awful lot of helpful material on her blog, so check it out! (But then don’t forget to come back to my page and give me some online reader lovin’ too.)

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